I’m so excited to have been named the Honorary Tourism Ambassador to Korea! My travels and recent filming there has included destinations and stories not as frequently showcased in the media. From free diving with the Haenyeo to horseback riding on the beach to amazing cuisine (who also loves Korea BBQ!?!?), I had great adventures in South Korea and am excited to spend this year and next sharing past adventures and hopefully returning for new experiences.

I was able to accept the honor just this past week during a social distancing ceremony at the Korean Cultural Center by the Consulate of South Korea on Park Avenue in New York City. The Cultural Center promotes diverse artistic activities including gallery exhibitions, performing arts, concerts, film festivals, and educational programs. I rode my new scooter down through Central Park and the city to reach the Consulate and Center.

Below are videos with some of my adventures in South Korea, including South Korea in a new “behind the scenes” on my adventures pre-COVID. Enjoy learning about some of the interesting traditions I discovered, especially on Jeju Island, known as the Hawaii of Asia.
Watch the South Korea episode and Travels with Darley’s newest seasons on Ovation TV’s JOURNY, the free travel channel/app available on iOS, Android, Roku, Xumo, Vewd, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV. Download the app from Apple/ Android and watch on your phone or Smart TV!